
JAKARTA - Member of Commission I DPR RI Christina Aryani, highlighted the death of a TNI soldier at the Susi Air pilot rescue guard post, by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) in Papua.

According to her, a big map for solutions to security disturbances in Papua must be formulated immediately. This is because security in Papua continues to be a problem even though President Joko Widodo has repeatedly visited the land of paradise.

"Several times the President has visited Papua and focused on the development approach, but has not placed enough emphasis on the aspect of security disturbances. We don't want any more soldiers to die and no more civilian victims," ​​Christina told journalists, Monday, April 17.

The Golkar legislator believes that the formulation of policies regarding security disturbances in Papua is very important because all this time law enforcement operations have been carried out by the Police. Meanwhile, the involvement of the TNI only supports the Police.

"The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs has declared the KKB a terrorist group since April 29, 2021, so it is time for the Presidential Decree on TNI involvement in overcoming terrorism to be promulgated, so that it is clear what kind of role the TNI can play," said Christina.

In fact, she added, Commission I of the DPR often receives reports that many TNI soldiers are in a dilemma when dealing with the law in providing security handling in Papua, especially when it is related to human rights (HAM).

“Even though the current situation in Papua can be called a state of war. TNI and Polri personnel became victims, civilians became victims. How long are you going to let this go? We are waiting for the government's seriousness,” said Christina.

It is known that the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) led by Egianus Kogoya on Saturday 15 April 2023, again carried out an attack in Mugi District, Nduga Regency, Papua Mountains.

The attack was carried out on Raider 321/Galuh Taruna Infantry Battalion (Satgas) soldiers who were carrying out a freeing operation on Susi Air pilot Philips Mark Methrtens.

As a result of the attack, a TNI soldier named Pratu Miftahul Arifin died.

Pratu Miftahul Arifin was declared dead after being shot and fell in a ravine about 15 meters deep.

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