JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) Sugeng Teguh Santoso considers himself to be a victim of criminalization from YAR, aspri Wamenkumham. He reasoned that in the case of reporting allegations of extortion and money receipts, his party only reported the Wamenkumham EOSH to the KPK.
"Unreported, brother YAR has reported me, that is criminalization and silencing anti-corruption activists. Except for the Wamen of EOSH reporting me. Because I never mentioned brother YAR committing acts of corruption," he told reporters, Friday 14 April 2023.
As is currently known, the victim of alleged extortion by Wamenkumham, mining entrepreneur Helmut Hermawan, is still in the custody of the South Sulawesi Regional Police in a sick condition because the Dirkrimsus of the South Sulawesi Regional Police, Kombes Pol Helmi Kwarta Rauf, was not allowed to undergo treatment.
For this reason, his party also asked Bareskrim Polri to stop the defamation reports reported by Aspri Wamenkumham. If the report is followed up, he said, it would be the same as silencing civil liberties to participate in the eradication of non-criminal corruption.
Based on Circular Letter No. B/345/11/2005/Bareskrim dated 7 March 2005 regarding Requests for Protection of Witnesses or Whistleblowers addressed to Regional Police Chiefs throughout Indonesia, the police in various regions are advised to prioritize the handling of reports of corruption cases.
"This means that if it continues, Bareskrim investigators have violated their own rules. So reports of defamation from parties who feel their name has been insulted because they were reported on suspected corruption cases must be postponed first," he said.
According to him, the Circular Letter was actually a follow-up to the letter of the KPK leadership dated January 31 2005 regarding the Application for the Protection of Witnesses or Whistleblowers addressed to the National Police Chief. At the same time the further embodiment of the spirit of Article 41 of the Corruption Crime Eradication Law on Community Participation or opening up space for public participation to prevent and eradicate criminal acts of corruption.
In addition, his party urged the KPK to seriously follow up on IPW's report regarding the alleged corruption by the Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights EOSH. "By raising the status to investigation, investigation and taking action to ban EOSH," he said.
Previously, Sugeng was also going to report YAR to Bareskrim Polri Headquarters in relation to the alleged Money Laundering Crime (TPPU) which also dragged the name of Wamenkumham EOSH.
"We will report YAR's suspected money laundering at the National Police Headquarters. Yes, we plan to report money laundering, because yesterday we didn't report him. Now I am reminded to report back," said Sugeng.
This report was made due to a request from EOSH which resulted in a flow of funds worth IDR 7 billion through the personal assistant to the Wamenkumham EOSH, namely YAR. The money was given in April and May 2022 in the amount of IDR 4 billion with two transfers, each worth IDR 2 billion.
Furthermore, there was a cash distribution in August 2022 of IDR 3 billion in US dollars. It was said that the money was received by YAR in his room, allegedly at the direction of the Deputy Minister of EOSH.
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