
West Kalimantan (Kalbar) Governor Sutarmidji asked related parties to open opportunities for air and land transportation across state borders in the Pontianak-Kuching region and vice versa.

"We hope that the National Border Management Agency can maximize the function of the border so that it can be an added value for West Kalimantan. Whether it is related to Kuching-Pontianak air transportation or vice versa, it will be reactivated," said Sutarmidji in Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Thursday, April 13, which was confiscated by Antara.

He also explained that during the 2024 West Kalimantan Musrenbang activities, small things that should hamper air and land transportation can be resolved, not because small things in an area become the main obstacle.

Sutarmidji also emphasized that relevant stakeholders can maintain synergies for regional development and must ignore personal interests or politicians.

"We hope for more synergy and in accordance with existing regulations, not rule A because of political interests and then turning around," he said.

In addition, Sutarmidji also said that whoever will replace himself as Governor of West Kalimantan must respect and continue development according to the existing regional government (RKPD) work plan.

"Like me as governor, replacing Mr. Cornelis, whatever time it was planned, I will continue, and improve what has not been maximized. So continuity must be maintained if you want to move forward," he said.

Meanwhile, in the same place, Secretary of the National Border Management Agency Zudan Arif Fakrulloh said that according to him the musrenbang implemented was a place to ensure the sustainability of development in accordance with the RKPD.

Musrenbang ini untuk memastikan kesinengan pembangunan. Kemudian kedua, musrenbang ini untuk mengenggarkan program pembangunan dari kabupaten, provinsi, dan pusat, supaya penyelenggaraan pemerintahan dan pembangunan itu satu paket, tandasnya.

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