KUDUS - The Customs Supervision and Service Office (KPPBC) Type Madya Kudus, Central Java, has again revealed the circulation of illegal cigarettes by securing 68,880 illegal cigarettes transported by motorbike with an estimated loss of Rp. 86 million.
"This case is a new mode because previously revealed cases use four-wheeled transportation or more, but during this fasting month illegal cigarette trafficking actors try to distribute illegal cigarettes using two motorbikes," said Head of the KPPBC Information Extension and Information Service Type Madya Kudus Excise Sandy Hendratmo Sopan quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, April 11.
The disclosure of the case, he said, began when he received information about the existence of two motorbikes that were allegedly used to transport excisable goods in the form of cigarettes suspected of being illegal from the Jepara area.
To ensure this information, the team immediately conducted a search along Jalan Welahan-Demak. Not long after the search, the team managed to find the means of transportation according to what was informed that it was traveling on Jalan Raya Welahan so that a chase was carried out.
From the results of the examination of the goods transported by the two motorbikes, it was found that 3,460 packs of machine kretek cigarettes (SKM) were not attached to excise stamps with various brands.
The estimated total value of illegal cigarette goods is IDR 86.44 million with a potential state revenue of IDR 59.25 million.
Evidence of illegal cigarettes and the two motorcyclists and motorbikes were taken to the Kudus Customs and Excise office for further investigation.
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