JAKARTA - The Prabowo-Erick Thohir pair is now ahead and most favorite to run as presidential and vice-presidential candidates in the 2024 General Election. This can be seen from a survey conducted by The Matchmaker.
The Matchmaker itself is a survey that accommodates public aspirations about which figures are suitable for the 2024 presidential election in order to welcome the 2024 General Election.
This program invites to choose and match figures who are considered suitable to become a pair of candidates for president and vice presidential candidates.
The first stage of The Matchmaker, namely the match-up stage, will take place on December 1, 2022-9 February 2023 and produce the top 5 pairs of presidential and vice-presidential candidates who are proposed the most.
Now, The Matchmaker is entering its second stage, namely the stage of choosing a favorite partner to become a presidential and vice-presidential candidate from the previous 5 stages.
During February 20, April 3, 2023, there have been 15,408 votes participating in The Matchmaker's vote or an increase of almost 7 thousand votes compared to last week. The composition of the top 5 standings has changed.
This week, Prabowo-Erick pair is the most favorite. The proposal for the Ganjar-Erick duet, which was in second place last week, has now dropped to third place because it was overtaken by the Prabowo-Ganjar pair.
Here are the preliminary results of The Matchmaker February 20 February-3 April 2023:
1. Prabowo Subianto & Erick Thohir: 4,2792. Prabowo Subianto & Ganjar Pranowo: 3,0273. Ganjar Pranowo & Erick Thohir: 2,4914. Anies Baswedan & Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono: 2,2915. Prabowo Subianto & Anies Baswedan: 1,850
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