
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (KemenPPPA) admits that it continues to oversee the handling of cases of physical violence by biological fathers against their children in Bombana Regency, Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra).

The child was beaten several times using wood approximately one meter long. While the mother couldn't stop thinking the child had been searched for and couldn't find him. This was recorded in a video circulating on social media.

"We continue to oversee the handling of this case, which is handled by the Poleang Police, UPTD PPA Bombana Regency, DP3A Bombana Regency, PPA Task Force, and village officials," said Deputy for Child Protection at the Ministry of PPPA Nahar, Monday, April 3, quoted by Antara.

The case of physical violence argued to discipline children.

Nahar added that the perpetrator had promised by his statement not to repeat his actions and was willing to accept punishment if he returned to violence.

In this process, Nahar continued, it is also important to ensure the mental condition of the perpetrator.

KemenPPPA has also coordinated with the Bombana Regency Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Service (DP3A) and UPTD PPA Bombana Regency to ensure the victim's physical and psychological condition.

Nahar said the Ministry of PPPA pays attention to the psychological condition of the victim because violence has an impact on the victim's mentality.

Violence experienced by children can cause trauma, therefore it must get assistance and recovery services from counselors.

He said, violence against children, either physically or psychologically, on the grounds of educating or making disciplined children is recorded as one of the often occurring violence.

"The perpetrators are close to the victim, including parents and teachers. Children aged 1'14 years are the most vulnerable to this physical violence," said Nahar.

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