
MALUKU - The Ambon City Government asked each village and sub-district to build or repair an integrated service post or posyandu using the Village Fund.

"Posyandu development can use village funds, at least the posyandu building must exist, and have standard health services, all villages/countries must have a posyandu",  Ambon Mayor Bodewin Wattimena said in Ambon, Maluku, Monday, April 3, confiscated by Antara.

He stated that currently Ambon City has 314 posyandu, but 303 of them do not meet adequate health service indicators.

Most posyandu, he said, do not have a permanent place. Posyandu, he continued, was carried out in an emergency at village or state halls, lurah offices, and even riding on the terraces of residents' houses, so that health service indicators were not met.

He explained what health service indicators mean, namely health services for pregnant women, nutrition, family planning, and immunization. The service, according to him, is still at 50 percent.

"Posyandu that meets health service indicators is one of the needs in every village/country and sub-district, in an effort to reduce stunting", said Bodewin.

His party requested that this year all villages/states and sub-districts be able to build posyandu that meet the intended service criteria

The development of the posyandu can use the Village Fund, he said, especially since there are many customary or dati lands that are vacant, so they can be utilized.

"It is unlikely that you will be affected by law if you build a posyandu using village funds, the important thing is to build it according to applicable regulations", said Bodewin.

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