JAKARTA - The Menparekraf is ready to start a visitation to the top 75 tourist villages that have passed the curation process in the 2023 Indonesian Tourism Village Award (ADWI), in March 2023.
The Kubu Gadang tourist village, Padang Panjang City, West Sumatra is one of the 75 villages selected by the ADWI 2023 jury.
In his official statement, the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, April 1, said the people of the Kubu Gadang tourist village, Padang Panjang City, West Sumatra have cohesiveness in innovating modifying local wisdom wrapped in education.
"The people of this village have succeeded in modifying the local wisdom of the Minangkabau tradition into tour packages in the form of art, culinary arts, to traditional games and arts such as randai, silek lanyah, and traditional dances wrapped in education," Sandiaga said as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, 1 April.
Sandiaga also assessed that the cohesiveness of the Gadang Fort shows that Indonesia has local wisdom, namely mutual cooperation. In addition, the attractions offered are also interesting and different from the others.
He added, through this breakthrough, the Kubu Gadang tourist village could play an active role in efforts to create jobs for the people of Padang Panjang and its surroundings.
"Hopefully, from Kubu Gadang Village and other tourist villages a breakthrough can be born to create 4.4 million new jobs in 2024," he said.
Meanwhile, Padang Panjang Mayor Fadly Amran, expressed his gratitude to the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy and the ADWI 2023 jury for choosing Kubu Gadang as one of the 75 selected villages.
"I once followed the struggles of the village administrators and their enthusiasm was extraordinary," admitted Fadly.
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