
MUKOMUKO - Mukomuko Regent Sapuan supports residents in carrying out the 'Balimau Bath' tradition in a number of rivers in the area as a symbol of cleansing themselves from mistakes ahead of the fasting month of Ramadan.

"Frankly, our local government supports this tradition, why not, at least clean ourselves up because tomorrow we face Ramadan," said Sapuan in Mukomuko, Bengkulu Province, Antara, Tuesday, March 21.

He said 'Mandi Balimau' is a tradition, customs, culture, and local wisdom of the people in this area. Because "Balimau Bathing" is a custom, culture, and local wisdom of the community so the local government supports this activity.

However, in carrying out the 'Balimau Bath' in an open place such as a river, men and women should have separate places.

The Head of the Office of the Ministry of Religion of the Mukomuko Regency Widodo assessed that Mandi Balimau had good intentions and lessons so that before fasting he should clean himself.

It's just that, he said, the technicians in the field did not pay attention to certain norms or mixed up men and women in one location or river.

"Mixing between men and women is not a good thing to do, so in the future, it must be corrected, but the intention of 'Balimau Bath' is to clean oneself before fasting," he said.

Head of the Mukomuko Regency Regional Secretariat for People's Welfare Amri Kurniadi said there are various community traditions ahead of the month of Ramadan, one of which is 'Balimau Bath', prayers for fasting, pilgrimage to graves, and delivering limes to parents-in-law.

He said that until now various traditions ahead of the month of Ramadan are still being maintained by the community.

However, currently the number of residents in this area, especially in the Kota Mukomuko sub-district, who carry out this tradition, is not as many as in the past.

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