
JAKARTA - Israel's Minister of National Security and right-wing figure Itamar Ben-Gvir, ordered security forces to carry out the demolition of Palestinian homes in occupied East Jerusalem during the Holy Month of Ramadan, according to Israeli media reports.

Ben-Gvir's call would contradict a decision taken several years ago to prevent violence during the holy month.

It happened because many people in the government were trying to defuse tensions, following the fighting between Palestinians and Israelis.

The order coincides with Ben Gvir's efforts to pressure Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's entire government to launch an anti-terror campaign he calls Defensive Shield Two. Citing The National News, March 6

The term refers to 2002's Operation Defensive Shield, which was launched to end terror attacks during the Second Intifada.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian Foreign Ministry said Ben-Gvir's Ramadan demolition would further inflame already high tensions.

Last week, settlers burned down businesses and homes in the Palestinian village of Hawara in response to the killings of two Israeli settlers. One Palestinian was killed and dozens injured.

Ben-Gvir is known to have frequently pushed for a tougher Israeli response to Palestinian crime and terrorism, often against the recommendations of Israeli security officials.

Recently, he ordered the closure of detainee-run bakeries for Palestinians in Israeli prisons, saying: “How can they get fresh bread every day? What is this absurdity?"

He later released a video of himself eating bread in his office, saying: "Terrorists should accept freshly baked goods. I hope that what we have done is just the beginning of the beginning to stop the (summer) camps in prisons."

In addition, he also ordered the reduction of bathing time for Palestinian prisoners, to only about four minutes.

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