
JAKARTA - The Deputy Governor of Riau, Edy Natar Nasution encouraged students, especially at the International Islamic Boarding School Program (IP-ICBS), Kampar Regency, to be proficient in foreign languages so they could compete globally.

"Therefore ICBS deserves to be a place to form human resources for an intelligent and religious future, according to the Riau Provincial Government's development program in the field of education", he said at a media briefing in Pekanbaru, Tuesday, February 21, reported by Antara.

The existence of the IP-ICBS Riau Islamic Boarding School is to improve the quality of education to global demands and competition, moreover, there is enrichment in foreign languages such as Arabic, English and Japanese for students to become skilled.

The existence of the IP-ICBS Riau Islamic Boarding School, he said, also equipped the students with an education system that taught world knowledge, and the afterlife and always followed a well-trained curriculum.

"Therefore, the achievements that have been achieved by the students at the modern Islamic boarding school can be further increased", he said.

He explained that the existence of the IP-ICBS Islamic Boarding School was to equip students with useful skills and character knowledge so that they become quality human resources capable of developing leadership, communication, collaboration, critical thinking skills and other important abilities.

"The challenges of the times are getting tougher, science and technology are growing so that students as the next generation of future scholars must receive a balanced provision in the world and the hereafter", said Edy Natar Nasution.

Previously Vice President (Wapres) K.H. Ma'ruf Amin said that the students were tasked with making improvements.

"Students' steps are not for positions but to make improvements. Therefore, students are ready to accept any assignment when trusted to take part", said the Vice President.

Meanwhile, in historical records, the students played a very important role in fighting for and seizing the independence of the Republic of Indonesia and defending the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

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