
TANJUNGPINANG - Tanjungpinang Class I Immigration Office, Kemenkumham Riau Islands (Kepri) deported a Singaporean foreigner to his home country after completing a seven-year prison sentence at Tanjungpinang Prison.

Head of Tanjungpinang Class I Immigration Office Khairil Mirza stated, the foreigner named Iskandar Sofian Bin Jali was jailed for being involved in a narcotics case and had been declared free as of Monday.

"Yesterday, representatives of the Singapore consulate in Batam came to submit documents in the form of travel documents such as passports or SPLP," he said in Tanjungpinang, Antara, Wednesday, February 15.

Khairil said the foreigner in question had been repatriated to neighboring Singapore via the Tanjungpinang Sri Bintan Pura International Port (SBP) using a fast boat.

After being deported, he continued, the foreign national will also be included in the list of deterrence by the Directorate General of Immigration. Pursuant to Article 99 Juncto 102 of Law Number 6 of 2011 Concerning Immigration, to foreigners who are considered to be able to disturb security and public order, Immigration Officers can impose life imprisonment.

According to him, a decision on further deterrence will be decided by the Directorate General of Immigration by looking at and considering all of the cases.

"Because this is a narcotics case, it could be a life sentence and can no longer enter Indonesia," he stressed.

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