
JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Public Housing and Settlement Area (PRKP) Agency is following up on complaints from residents of Marunda Flats, Cilincing, North Jakarta who have difficulty getting clean water. The Head of the PRKP Office, Sarjoko, acknowledged that the main problem is the shortage of clean water in the Marunda Flats, because the supply of water from the Jaya Drinking Water Company (PAMh) is not optimal.

On this basis, the Flats Management Unit (UPRS) together with PAM will provide a solution by sending a tanker filled with clean water to the Marunda Flat.

"Mr. CEO of PAM Jaya has sent additional supplies via tankers," said Sarjoko in a short message, Wednesday, February 15.

Meanwhile, one of the residents of the flat, Herymias Pancar (39) confirmed that he had received assistance from a tanker filled with water on Wednesday, February 15, around morning.

"Yes, this morning, there were about 10 cars (tanks)," said Herymias.

Nevertheless, Herymias hopes that the government will not only provide tanker assistance. However, another solution was sought, so that he could get water normally.

“At least one or two days already. Temporary. We hope that another solution will be found, in order to get water normally," he concluded.

Previously it was reported, as many as 500 families (KK) residents in Marunda flats, Cilincing, North Jakarta, complained about the difficulty of clean water. In fact, they have been forced to live without water in their place since February 5, 2023.

One of the flat occupants, Herymias Pancar (39) admitted that he had complained about this problem to the flat technician. However, until now, they have not been able to provide a solution to the problem of clean water in their place.

"So we live in flats, and the water has not been flowing for about 10 days. These are 5 towers, more or less 500 and above (affected-ed)," said Herymias when confirmed by VOI, Wednesday, February 15.

"Already complained, but we have limited space in flats. Flats under the auspices of the Flats Management Unit (UPRS), have their own technicians. At least ask that person. The answer is just that. 'Water debit less' just like that. There is no solution," he continued.

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