
PADANG - Class II B Padang State Detention Center (Rutan), West Sumatra (West Sumatra) is trying to get around 674 inmates of the detention center to exercise their voting rights in the 2024 General Election. The head of the Padang Detention Center Muhammad Mehdi said that his party continues to strive and facilitate data so that the inmates are recorded and validated, so that they can use the voting thing in the election next year. Currently, the number of residents of the Padang Rutan is 674 people, including 470 inmates who already have a population identification number (NIK), while the rest do not yet have a NIK. "For those who already have a NIK, validation is carried out, while the remaining 200 people are recorded by the population and civil registration office," he said in Padang, Antara, Monday, February 13. The recording and validation of voter data at the Padang Rutan need to be done because the occupants of this detention center are dynamic, in the sense that they can move, even in just one month. "Residents of the detention center are different from prisons (prisons), because they can move to prisons at any time or maybe they are free," he said. He appreciated the support provided by the Padang Population and Civil Registration Office for being willing to cooperate with both parties regarding updating and validating voter data for the inmates of the detention center. "Because for residents of the detention center, inmates who have NIK are not only useful for the interests of the election, but also for access to various services such as health rights, educational rights, and others," he said. Previously, the signing was carried out directly by the Head of the Padang Population and Civil Registration Office, Teddy Antonius, together with the Head of the Class II B Padang Detention Center Muhammad Mehdi. Meanwhile, the implementation of data recording and validation of detention center residents has not been completed in one day, and the plan will be continued for the next three days. The head of the Padang Population and Civil Registration Service, Teddy Antonius, stated that his party was committed to supporting data collection on residents in the city of Semateka.

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