
JAKARTA - The Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights and the DKI Jakarta Ombudsman Representative reviewed the one-day passport-making service at the Cililitan Wholesale Center (PGC), Kramat Jati, East Jakarta. This activity is carried out to ensure that the service is free of illegal levies.

Head of DKI Jakarta Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kanwil Kemenkumham) Ibnu Chuldun in a press release said that the review with the DKI Ombudsman is to ensure that the service is free from illegal levies and maladministration.

"The Ombudsman Representative wants to ensure that services are free of extortion, and maladministration and that service facilities and infrastructure are met," said Ibnu, as quoted from Antara, Sunday 12 February.

During his review, Ibnu and the Head of the Indonesian Ombudsman Representative for DKI Jakarta Province, Dedy Irsan, directly checked the passport-making service that weekend.

The review of the Passport Service Unit (ULP) was not only carried out at PGC, East Jakarta, but at Lippo Mall Plaza Semanggi, Central Jakarta.

As a result, there were no extortion and maladministration in the one-day passport application service held by the Immigration Office in the DKI Jakarta Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

From the results of that review, public interest in getting a one-day passport application service at a cost of IDR 1 million is high, especially on Saturdays and Sundays.

People who are busy so they cannot apply for passports on weekdays can be accommodated on Saturdays and Sundays with service hours 08.00-12.00 WIB.

"For passport acceleration services every Saturday and Sunday there is an additional Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) fee. Public interest is high, an average of one hundred people come," he said.

According to him, the Rp. 1 million fee in the one-day passport service is not extortion because it is officially regulated in Government Regulation Number 28 of 2019 concerning PNBP at the Kemenkumham.

Until now the DKI Jakarta Kemenkumham Regional Office has opened an accelerated service for making passports on Saturday and Sunday at seven locations, namely ULP PGCPGC and Lippo Mall Plaza Semanggi.

In addition, at ULP Lippo Mall Kemang Village (South Jakarta), ULP Lippo Mall Puri Kembangan (West Jakarta), ULP Cibubur Junction Mall (East Jakarta) and ULP Mangga Morning Market Shopping Center (North Jakarta).

Then UPPP Terminal 3 of Soekarno Hatta Airport and ULP Kanim Tanjung Priok which were opened for residents who need fast services for making passports to support their needs.

Ibnu added, the service for making one-day passports is in line with the 2023 resolution of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

"That is, always prioritizing service and the interests of the community in order to realize a service to the state and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights that is more certain and ethical," he said.

The Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Ombudsman Representative Dedy Irsan gave his high appreciation for the services and employees carried out at the "weekend".

"Immigration officials on duty are expected to be careful in recording the identity of service users so that maladministration does not occur," said Dedy.

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