
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has ensured that conditions in Papua are conducive amid the legal process against the inactive Papua Governor Lukas Enembe. This certainty was conveyed after they coordinated with the Papua Regional Police, Regional Military Command, BIN Papua region, and Baintelkam.

"It can be said that currently Papua is in a conducive, safe condition, and we are very confident that the Papuan people will support KPK's law enforcement efforts," said KPK Head of Reporting Section Ali Fikri in Jakarta, Wednesday, February 8.

Ali believes that many Papuans support this legal process. Moreover, there was no other purpose behind the prosecution of Lukas.

"Only for the welfare of the Papuan people as well and we are very sure that the Papuan people also support ongoing law enforcement," he said.

Furthermore, the KPK will also maximize prevention in Papua. The goal is that the corrupt practices that were carried out by Lukas will no longer occur.

Lukas is a suspect in alleged bribery and gratuities because he allegedly received money from the Director of PT Tabi Bangun Papua, Rijantono Lakka. The award was made so that the private company could get a project in Papua.

The KPK stated that there was an agreement on a fee of 14 percent of the contract value and payment must be free from tax deductions.

After the agreement, Rijantono's company received three projects. The first is the improvement of Entrop-Hamadi Road with a project value of IDR 14.8 billion.

Rehabilitation of supporting facilities and infrastructure for Integration PAUD with a project value of IDR 13.3 billion. Finally, the venue environmental management project is developing the AURI outdoor with a project value of IDR 12.9 billion.

After the project was won, Rijantono handed over IDR 1 billion to Lukas. Apart from that, Lukas is also suspected of receiving gratuities of up to tens of billions which the KPK is currently investigating.

Apart from Lukas, the KPK suspects that there are other officials involved in receiving bribes and gratuities. However, investigators are still investigating.

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