
JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya held a reconstruction of the death of a student at the University of Indonesia (UI), M Hasya Attalah Syahputra involving AKBP (Ret.) Eko Setio. The reconstruction was held on Srengseng Sawah Street, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta. Nine scenes in the reconstruction. Then from the entire series of activities, it can be seen in the 4th scene where the victim was run over, after hitting the car belonging to the retired police officer. For information, the incident began with Eko's Pajero vehicle passing at the TKP at a speed of 30 Km/hour. Arriving at the scene of the incident, there was a black Kawasaki Pulsar motorcycle with a number plate B-4560-KBH swerved to the right. Then it fell towards Eko's car.

Hasya fell while avoiding the vehicle in front of her who suddenly turned. Furthermore, it was shown that Hasya slipped and entered another road section, which led to being hit and run over by her vehicle to death. After colliding, it was seen that Hasya was lying motionless behind Eko's car. To this direction, the motorcyclist was run over, said the police officer who read the reconstruction scene, Thursday, February 2. After that, witness Eko stopped his vehicle in a thin position to the left. Then, the retired police got out of his car and saw the point of the collision and the victim's motorcycle vehicle. Witness Eko got out of the vehicle and together with witness Muhammad Febru Favian Safriansyah Haz showed the position of Hasya and the position of the Kawasaki Pulsar motorcycle vehicle," he said Eko along with a number of witnesses approached Hasya and together lifted the victim to the side of the road. "In scene 8, witness Eko showed the location of Hasya after being lifted from the middle of the road and marginalized to a safe place," he said A scene nine, witness Eko called the ambulance and 30 minutes later the vehicle arrived, "he continued. Eko and a number of other witnesses lifted Hasya to an ambulance, then Eko followed along and followed his car to Andhika Hospital which was close to the crime scene. But unfortunately the police no longer explained the speed of the motorbike driven by Hasya Athallah, as previously mentioned, driving 60 km per hour. In this reconstruction, Eko was present. He wore a gray collared shirt and a blue hat. Eko did not issue a word.

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