
MEDAN - The Medan District Attorney's Office (Kejari) executed the decision of the Supreme Court (MA) against Toto Hartono (44), former Head of Narcotics Unit of the Medan Police, North Sumatra.

Toto Hartono was convicted of theft and embezzlement of evidence in a drug case amounting to IDR 650 million and possession of narcotics. He was thrown into the Tanjung Gusta Detention Center in Medan.

"It's true, the Public Prosecutor (JPU) has carried out the execution of the Supreme Court decision," said Head of the Medan District Attorney's Office (Kajari) Wahyu Sabrudin, through Kasi Intelligence Simon, as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, January 31.

Simon said the convicted Toto was taken to the Medan Tanjung Gusta Detention Center by the Public Prosecutor who was accompanied by the Head of the Medan Police Provost Unit to undergo the Supreme Court's decision.

"The Supreme Court's decision stated that the convict was proven to have violated Article 363 paragraph (1) 4 of the Criminal Code and Article 112 paragraph (1) of the Psychotropics Law and was sentenced to 3 years and 6 months in prison," he said.

Previously, Toto Hartono was acquitted by a panel of judges chaired by Jarihat Simarmata on March 15, 2022.

According to the judge, Toto Hartono was not proven as charged by the Public Prosecutor Randi Tambunan.

Not accepting the acquittal, the Public Prosecutor Randi Tambunan submitted an appeal to the Supreme Court.

Toto Hartono was previously charged with imprisonment for 10 years and a fine of IDR 800 million with the stipulation that if not paid it is replaced with a prison term of 3 months.

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