
SEMARANG - There are proud and heartwarming stories from dozens of physically disabled people who are members of the One Heart Klaten Community. They took 5 hours to ride a motorbike to meet the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, at the Governor's Office of Central Java, Monday 30 January.

Even though they have physical limitations, this did not dampen the enthusiasm of these disabled people to meet Ganjar. They ride three-wheeled motorbikes that have been modified according to their needs. They departed from the base camp in Birit Village, Wedi District, Klaten at around 10.00 WIB and arrived at the Puri Gedeh Official House around 15.00 WIB.


The arrival of the disabled was warmly welcomed by Ganjar. He greeted them one by one. The familiar atmosphere immediately appeared at the beginning of the meeting. What's more, they brought durian and rambutan, especially for Ganjar.

The community chaired by Nina Kusumawati then had a warm chat with the governor like their own family. In fact, Ganjar also invited them to have lunch together.

Ganjar Pranomwo berbincang-bincang dengan tamunya. (IST)
Ganjar Pranowo chats with his disabled guests from Klaten. (SPC)

Nina Kusumawati said that the motorbike touring this time was carried out for a friendly visit with Governor Ganjar. For her, the white-haired politician has paid a lot of attention to people with disabilities.

"We traveled to Semarang to meet with Mr. Ganjar in the context of friendship because some time ago he came to Klaten. Friends feel that Mr. Ganjar pays a lot of attention, which means we thank him for his attention to friends with disabilities," said Nina.

She said the trip was carried out by a modified three-wheeled motorized vehicle. A total of 15 people departed using eight motorbikes.

"Almost five hours, it was raining on the road but it was fun. I think the tiredness has paid off by being able to meet Mr. (Ganjar). Yes, we can share freely," she continued.

On that occasion, she conveyed several suggestions and input, especially what is needed by people with disabilities.

"Casual chat, we share so that the needs of friends get more attention, especially public facilities. Thank God, we are relaxed and he welcomed us, friends are enthusiastic and happy," she said.

Meanwhile, Ganjar Pranowo said he was happy and proud of the arrival of Satu Hati's friends. Because, in the midst of physical limitations, they were able to gather themselves to help each other.

"Because they have posyandu, where they can share, some have serious problems because they are also mentally affected. So, they try to share their feelings. And secondly, those with physical disabilities support each other in how they can live independently with what they need," he said.

Ganjar was unable to hide his joy at the presence of the disabled.

"This was a surprise for me because they were touring with motorbikes with their own modifications to come here from their homes. Earlier I got a lot of experiences, complaints, and at the same time wishes that they could get access from the government to be able to live independently through training," he added.

Ganjar Pranowo naik motor bersama tamunya kaum difabel dari Klaten. (IST)
Ganjar Pranowo rides a motorcycle with his disabled guests from Klaten. (SPC)

According to Ganjar, the government must provide attention and assistance to people with disabilities.

"From this, the government must help prepare the proposals, then we provide them with training, capital and assistance until they can be independent," concluded Ganjar Pranowo.

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