
JAKARTA - The Central Leadership Council of the Indonesian Renewal Youth Force (AMPI), which is a wing organization of the Golkar Party, confirmed that it would win the general chairman of Golkar, Airlangga Hartarto, to become president in the upcoming 2024 general election.

This was said by the General Chairperson of the AMPI Central Leadership Council, Jerry Sambuaga in a Christmas celebration event that was held at the Golkar DPP, Slipi, Jakarta, Sunday, January 29.

Apart from commemorating the Christmas and New Year celebrations which are routine DPP events, said Jerry, the event is also an internal consolidation to strengthen the solidarity of AMPI cadres bearing in mind that the 2024 political agenda is near.

"In accordance with the theme of this year's Christmas celebration, each of us must devote ourselves to contributing to the progress of this nation. One of them is that we can see our general chairman, Mr. Airlangga Hartarto, who has contributed a lot to this nation, and we, from DPP AMPI, are ready to win Golkar and lead him to become president after Pak Jokowi," said Jerry.

Meanwhile, Airlangga Hartarto, in his remarks read by Jerry, emphasized that tolerance within the Golkar Party must continue. This is because the nation's predecessors had taught the principle of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, which means different but exactly one.

Airlangga also hopes that under his leadership and with the help of the party wing, in this case, AMPI, Golkar can become the number one party.

"And hopefully Golkar can become number one," said Airlangga.

The event was also attended by several other Golkar figures such as Agung Laksono, Theo Sambuaga, Airin Rachma Diany and several other high-ranking Golkar Party officials.

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