
JAKARTA - North Korean politician and diplomat Kim Yo-jong announced that Pyongyang will continue to support Moscow amid the current crisis in Ukraine.

Praising Russia's fighting spirit and military strength, Kim Yo-jong also criticized the West's support for the regime in Kyiv.

In a statement distributed by the North Korean media, the younger sister of the country's leader Kim Jong-un said, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea will always stand "in one trench" together with the "risen" Russian people and army, to defend the country's honor and dignity. them), the sovereignty and security of the state.”

She also criticized the United States' decision to supply M1 Abrams main battle tanks to Ukraine, stating that such an initiative would not help Kyiv.

"I have no doubt that any arsenal that the US and the West are so proud of will be burned to ashes, turned to rubble in the face of the unyielding fighting spirit and might of the heroic army and the Russian people," Kim Yo-jong said, citing Sputnik News, January 27.

Kim further emphasized that Ukraine "is not a desert in the Middle East, where 20 years ago US tanks were free to take any liberties."

"No reckless effort will allow the imperialist coalition forces to defeat the heroic spirit of the Russian army and people, who are distinguished by fiery patriotism, resilience and strong morale," Kim Yo-jong praised, cited from TASS.

This week, the United States and Germany announced their respective intentions to supply M1 Abrams and Leopard 2 main battle tanks (MBTs) to the regime in Kyiv.

While the United States and its allies have been funneling large quantities of weapons, ammunition and military hardware to Kiev since the start of Russia's military operation in Ukraine, they have been reluctant to supply Ukrainian troops with heavy weapons such as tanks.

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