
JAKARTA - The dynamics of the coalition have recently become more interesting after the National Awakening Party (PKB) and the Great Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra) declared a joint secretariat (Sekber).

In addition, the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) formed by Golkar, the National Mandate Party (PAN), and the United Development Party (PPP) also launched the PATEN program as their coalition platform. But it also appears that a number of political parties will cross the coalition 'boat'.

In this regard, the founder of the Indonesian Public Opinion Discussion and Study Group (KedaiKOPI) survey institute, Hendri Satrio, assessed that the steps taken by the coalition to build Sekber or launch programs would not change the political map. According to him, this political maneuver means nothing if it is not accompanied by a declaration of a presidential candidate (candidate).

"Gerindra-PKB is just the secretariat, it hasn't been declared. So, in fact, conditions haven't changed at all. The secretariat, yes, the secretariat, right, the building, can be dissolved. It's different when there is a presidential and vice presidential candidate declaration," said Hendri Satrio, Wednesday, 25 January.

According to him, currently, all coalitions are still in the same situation between KIB, KIR (Greater Indonesia Awakening Coalition), and the Coalition for Change (the future coalition of NasDem, PKS, and Democrats). Where each coalition has not made a presidential candidate declaration.

"So actually, currently the Greater Indonesia Awakening Coalition, United Indonesia Coalition, and the Coalition for Change, are in the same position. That is, there hasn't been any movement," said the Paramadina University political communication observer.

Hensat said the political map would not change as long as there were no triggering factors.

"Well, the triggering factor was the declaration of the presidential and vice presidential candidates," he said.

Meanwhile, the political observer at the Citra Institute, Yusak Farchan, believes that the declaration of the Joint Secretariat of PKB and Gerindra can also be interpreted as a breakdown in their communication with PDIP. This, he said, could be an opportunity for KIB to embrace PDIP.

"If PDIP and KIB join forces to support Ganjar, of course, this will be a strong and solid coalition. A coalition of the two will be possible under President Joko Widodo's blessing," said Yusak, Thursday, January 25.

Yusak said that from the start, KIB's profile had indeed been locked into the "successor" coalition of Pak Jokowi's government.

"This means that KIB will tend to follow Jokowi's political direction, and so far it is Ganjar who has received priority endorsement from Jokowi," explained Yusak.

Because of that, he continued, if PDIP proposes Ganjar as a presidential candidate, then the chances of forming a coalition with KIB are very large.

"In order not to miss the train, it would be better if KIB immediately determines its presidential and vice presidential candidates. Then, KIB must be aggressive again in building its political communications, especially with the PDIP," concluded Yusak.


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