
JAKARTA - The DPP NasDem Party denied that Johnny G Plate would resign from his position as Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo).

"It's not true that that's the information," said NasDem Party DPP chairman Charles Meikyansah when contacted from Surabaya, East Java, Thursday, January 5.

Charles also claimed to have communicated with Johnny Plate about the information and Johnny Plate dismissed it.

"This afternoon at lunch, I called him (Johnny Plate) and dismissed the news," he said, quoted by Antara.

According to Charles, the information was raised by irresponsible parties and wanted NasDem to leave the coalition in the government.

"The confirmation should have been made to those who raised the information," Charles asserted.

He added that the issue of resigning or not resigning from his position must have an official statement from the person concerned.

"This does not exist. After all, the request to resign from office is the prerogative of the president," he said.

NasDem Deputy Chairman Ahmad Ali also denied the issue. According to him, the information was not true. Ali said he had confirmed directly to Johnny Plate regarding the issue of this resignation. However, he said, Plate dismissed the news.

"I asked Mr. Jhonny Plate that, there was no such issue. There was no plan to resign," he said. Ali confirmed that the news was fake news. He also questioned the party who spread the issue. "(So) That's not true. Who is circulated? Who fried who? Tell me! Cooking food knows, not fake news," he concluded.

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