
JAKARTA - Class 1 Cipinang Prison officers in East Jakarta foiled an attempt to smuggle crystal methamphetamine and marijuana into the prison. The two types of drugs were found in a large tea box and milk box on Monday, November 28. It is not known where the drug came from.

The Head of KPLP Class 1 Cipinang Prison, East Jakarta, Sukarno Ali confirmed the discovery of the drugs. The narcotics were to be smuggled in a garbage truck that usually carries out routine transportation.

"Initially he (the truck driver) informed the East Jakarta Metro Police investigators that there was a suspicious object, then reported it to the KPLP. Then the members and I immediately drove to the garbage truck before entering the prison. The truck was checked in front of the P2U gate of Class 1 Cipinang Prison", said Sukarno Ali when confirmed by VOI, Monday, November 28.

From the truck driver's statement to officers, he said that the truck was thrown at him. The driver reported throwing the goods from outside because the garbage truck was open.

"There we inspected the garbage truck, and we found it inside the Sosro tea box and a large milk (box). The two drink boxes you found in the trash (truck)", he said.

The officers then lowered the suspicious object and examined it together at the P2U post. After opening it, the officers saw that the contents of the drink box contained two types of drugs.

"It was found in a large liquid (milk) box that was in the form of dried marijuana and in the Sosro tea box it was in the form of methamphetamine with a cassava", he said.

Furthermore, the narcotic evidence was handed over to the East Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Unit. "We will report the findings to the Head of Police and proceed to the East Jakarta Police's Narcotics Unit," he said.

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