
JAKARTA - Cardiologist at the Central General Hospital (RSUP) M Djamil Padang, Dr. Muhammad Riendra SpBTKV Subsp, VE(K) stated that heart disease is still the most common cause of death due to the high number of cases.

"Every day no less than 150 people are having heart treatment at M Djamil General Hospital, the prevention is of course returning to a balanced nutritional diet," he said in Padang, Antara, Sunday, November 20.

He admits that in West Sumatra it is difficult to change dietary habits to become balanced nutrition, especially in a short time.

"For example, rice has a high sugar content and if there is excess it will be stored in the form of fat in the body which then has the risk of causing narrowing of the arteries," he said.

Not to mention, he saw the eating habits of the people of West Sumatra, which are full of various foods, such as Gajebo curry made from beef, all of which consist of fat.

"Coconut milk can still be tolerated, but if processed animals, that are more dangerous," he said, as the Head of IDI's Padang Branch.

Riendra shared his experience while studying at Harapan Kita Hospital in Jakarta and found many patients from Padang.

"Even if they are not Padang people, they usually have Padang blood, they could be patients from Kalimantan, but after being asked, it turns out that their village is in Padang," he said.

"This means that it cannot be denied that diet has an effect on heart health and maybe in Kalimantan there is no typical Padang food but it can be sent from my hometown," he continued.

He emphasizes the application of balanced nutrition, not only dominating rice but varying protein.

In terms of age, he found those who had heart disease used to be on average over 40 years old, but now there are many coronary bypass patients under 40 years old.

"For the economic status of the majority of those with middle to upper status," he said.

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