
MEDAN - The rain that has flushed the Serdang Bedagai area, North Sumatra for the past few days has flooded 6 sub-districts. The flooding was made worse because some of the embankments leaked or broke.

Acting Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Serdang Bedagai, Frits Ueki Prapanca Damanik said, based on his party's data, the floods that hit 6 sub-districts caused 3,369 houses and affected 13,294 people.

"So far, flooding has spread to 6 sub-districts, such as Sei Bamban, Dolok Masihul, Tanjung Beringin, Sei Rampah, Sipispis, and Tebingtinggi District", said Frits, Thursday, November 17.

BPBD continues to monitor and evacuate flood victims. However, currently, his party is constrained by the problem of rubber boats to evacuate flood victims.

"For this reason, the Serdang Bedagai BPBD is coordinating with several regional heads including North Sumatra Province", he said.

BPBD has set up tents for people affected by the flood.

"Indeed, so far we have encountered problems with limited rubber boats for the process of evacuating residents. But we have coordinated with other regional governments and superior governments", he explained.

He explained that in several locations the water had gradually receded. Even so, the water level, especially in Sei Rampah District, continues to increase. This was due to the overflow of the Bedagai River because flooding also occurred in the upper reaches of the river.

"Indeed, it is still possible for rain conditions to occur, so we urge the public to remain vigilant if there are further floods that occur. For this reason, BPBD asks the community to remain vigilant, especially for those who live on riverbanks", he said.

Secretary of BPBD Serdang Bedagai, Sukma Permana said the flood had occurred since Tuesday, November 15, yesterday. In addition, there are broken dikes in Dolok Masihul and Sipispis Districts.

"Conditions are still flooded. Only some have receded, such as in Dolok Masihul. But in Sei Rampah it rose again", he explained.

Sukma said that currently, his party has established a post for flood victims.

"Residents who have evacuated are in several points. In Sei Rampah most of the residents have evacuated. We build command posts at flood points and deploy task forces at the location", he said.

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