
JAKARTA - China's Foreign Ministry said on Thursday that Chinese President Xi Jinping had not criticized Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, a day after China's leader was seen speaking with PM Trudeau on the sidelines of the G20 summit, about alleged leaks from their meeting.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning told a news conference Beijing supports honest dialogue as long as they are held on an equal basis, saying China hopes Canada will take action to improve bilateral relations.

"The video you mentioned is a brief conversation between the two leaders during the G20 summit. This is very normal. I don't think it should be interpreted as a leader Xi criticizing or accusing anyone", said Mao, citing Reuters on November 17.

In video footage published by the Canadian broadcaster on Wednesday, an interpreter for Xi can be heard in the video telling PM Trudeau, "everything we discussed has been leaked to the newspapers, it's inappropriate."

President Xi went on to say, in Chinese, "if there is sincerity, we can communicate well with mutual respect, otherwise the results will not be easy to know."

President Xi's displeasure may be due to media reports that PM Trudeau raised "serious concerns" about alleged Chinese espionage and "interference" in the Canadian election during a meeting with President Xi on Tuesday.

"First, I want to emphasize that China never interferes in the affairs of other countries", said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao.

He did not say whether PM Trudeau brought up the alleged Chinese meddling on Tuesday, the reason behind conversations between the two leaders the following day.

Mao also said on Thursday that President Xi told Trudeau that "otherwise the outcome will not be easily known" was not a threat, as the two leaders were engaged in "normal" dialogue and only expressing their respective positions.

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