
JAKARTA - The Traffic Corps of National Police has established a command post to secure the arrival of VVIP delegates or guests for the G20 Level Conference (KTT). This command post is equipped with an application that will monitor the delegates from arriving in Bali to the venue.

The Head of the Traffic Corps (Kakorlantas) Police Inspector General Firman Shantyabudi said the application used by the Traffic Corps ranks facilitates the movement of members in the field.

"There are several tasks carried out, one of which is guarding the departure points from and destinations during the G20 Summit," said Firman in a written statement, Sunday, November 13.

This application will be connected to cameras in the field, vehicles, and members. This is intended so that members at the command post receive the information they need at certain times and conditions.

Furthermore, this two-star general explained the use of this application. At the post, there are several monitors containing several pictures or visuals of the movement of members in the field, including the path that the delegation will pass.

"For example, there is a purple color depicting the position of our personnel on the road that regulates traffic. We can click on the personnel's name and telephone number," he said.

Then there is a light blue color that depicts the position of electric-based vehicles, which are mostly deployed to escort delegates during activities in Bali. Furthermore, there is a dark blue color depicting vehicles that use fossil fuel vehicles.

"So every movement we monitor makes sure they are on the route that has been determined and this helps if something happens we can report it to the command to provide assistance at which point," he said.

For track monitoring, he also exemplifies the sophistication of this application. For example, if you want to monitor the road from the airport to the hotel. In this application, you can see which members are in charge of escorting the delegation and the tasks they carry out.

"Let's take the example that Aipda Made will be in charge of being an electric four-wheeled vehicle driver and he's bringing a delegation from India. So we immediately know which delegation this is and know exactly what the duties of the members are," he said.

If later during the escort there are obstacles such as traffic jams or strong winds when crossing the toll road, this application can inform members on duty in the field.

"If there is information from the BMKG that winds passing through this toll road above 50 km per hour are dangerous for two and four-wheeled vehicles, we will report them to take an alternative route. Members can monitor where they have to be alert whether they are taking the main route or an alternative. So everyone communicates with the Paspampres group in the group," he said.

Most importantly, said Kakorlantas, every report that comes in is all real-time. So that the command at the operational post can make decisions about what to do and who to deploy.

On this occasion, he also conveyed to the community that the success of this operation was due to the participation of the community.

"Engineering efforts have been carried out including information to the public about restrictions on large vehicles that will go through the route we have prepared. This is as community support to make it smooth," he said.

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