
JATIM - Deputy Governor of East Java (Jatim) Emil Elestianto Dardak recalled the message of the late K.H. Sholahudin Wahid alias Gos Sholah.

The message, the caretaker of the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School, Jombang Regency, was conveyed to him as well as the Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa.

"He is very specific and considerate of us, and he also always reminds us that it is not only about winning but also serving [the deputy governor] well," said Emil in a written statement, as quoted from Antara, Monday, October 31.

On the same occasion, Emil admitted that Gus Sholah's legacy would continue.

"We are here to represent the Governor and we in East Java are proud to have a figure like the late (Gus Sholah) and his legacy, God willing, we will continue in our journey in East Java and whoever will continue," he said.

He also shared a deep sense of loss, because Gus Sholah was a parent to Governor Khofifah and he continued to oversee both before and until he led East Java.

"After we were elected and before we were inaugurated, Mrs. Khofifah said that later we would be busy on our own, but we must have the same parents. That is what Gus Sholah called," said Emil.

He added that even though he felt lost, he was still connected in prayer.

"Of course, it's not just a loss, but a very, very loss. 1,000 days have passed, I don't feel it. It feels like yesterday when we exited the Jombang toll road to Tebuireng and discussed various kinds with the deceased, we really miss it, but today, God willing, we are connected with prayer," he said.

Emil was present at the 1,000th anniversary of the death of K.H. Salahudin Wahid at the Hasyim Asy'ari Hospital Tebuireng, Jombang Regency. Also present at the event was Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Mahfud MD.

Also present at the agenda, the entire extended family of Gus Sholah, especially Nyai Hj. Faridah Salahudin Wahid, caretaker of PP. Tebuireng Jombang K.H. Abdul Hakim Mahfudz, Second Daughter of Gus Dur Hj Yenny Wahid, Deputy Regent of Jombang Sumrambah, and other invited guests.

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