
JEMBRANA - After the flash floods in several areas of Jembrana Regency, Bali, the Jembrana Regency Government is now focusing on cleaning up materials carried by the flood.

The cleaning activity involves all elements. Starting from the Indonesian National Army (TNI), the Republic of Indonesia Police, the Regional Government, and also the general public in several affected areas.

Previously, the cleaning had been completed at the Biluk Poh Bridge in Mendoyo District after it was hit by a flash flood, on Sunday, October 16.

Today, a river cleanup was held in the west of Pasar Melaya, especially under the Melaya Bridge, which was still blocked by flood materials. Jembrana Regent I Nengah Tamba appreciated the hard work of the TNI and the Republic of Indonesia Police in assisting the handling of the aftermath of the flash flood.

"We have solved the problem on the Biluk Poh Bridge, we have solved the waterway barrier so that the national route can be crossed again, albeit gradually. Today, together with the TNI and the Police, we are taking part in the clean-up in Melaya. I thank the Indonesian National Armed Forces and the Republic of Indonesia Police, without their support this would be a tough job. Because of him, we invite him to be directly involved in cleaning in the field so that our work can be maximized", he said, Wednesday, October 19.

Jembrana Regent I Nengah Tamba while monitoring the location of flash floods, Wednesday (19/10). (Photo of Public Relations of Jembrana Regency Government).

Gradually all areas affected by flooding will be cleaned. Not only in Melaya and Biluk Poh but gradually in other areas affected by flooding and cannot be implemented at once because the flood-affected area in Jembrana Regency is quite large.

"Today we have worked on it in Melaya, tomorrow we will work on it in Kaliakah. It will continue to take turns starting from the ones that are most severely affected to the lightest we will solve", he said.

After carrying out the cleaning of the river flow under the Melaya bridge. His party also directly visited public kitchen posts from Melaya to Pengambengan Village. The checking is at the same time to distribute aid in the form of basic food and clothing.

Other priorities that must be met are food and health needs. His party admitted that the availability of logistics was quite adequate, especially with the donations from various donors.

"What we are working on today is the primary needs, namely food, drink, and health, we must complete, and ensure that they get proper food, drink, and health services. Tomorrow we will provide necessities to flood victims in Peisah and Kaliakah and so on because of the aid. continues to flow from the private sector, my friends in Denpasar, Jakarta, and Surabaya", he said.

Meanwhile, specifically for the displaced victims of the Tukad Biluk Poh flood, he hopes that for the time being they can live in a relatively safe family home. Regarding the heavily damaged houses, the Regent of Jembrana has coordinated with the Governor of Bali, Wayan Koster.

"I have also spoken with the Governor of Bali, specifically for villages that have land assets in the Bali Province, so that people whose houses are heavily damaged and cannot be lived in, can use the land owned by the Bali Provincial Government", he said.

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