
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Manpower managed to thwart the non-procedural placement of 38 Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) to the Middle East after conducting a surprise inspection at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, Tangerang, Banten.

"We have asked the Labor Inspector to thoroughly investigate the parties involved, both P3MI (PMI Placement Company) and individuals. We will continue to coordinate with relevant Ministries/Agencies and Regional Governments for handling it", said the Director General of Binwasnaker and K3 of the Ministry of Manpower, Haiyani Rumondang, in a statement quoted by ANTARA on Tuesday, October 18.

The prevention of the placement of 38 Indonesian workers (TKI) who were planned to be flown to the Middle East occurred when a sudden inspection was carried out at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport on Monday, October 17.

According to the Director of Manpower Development Norms at the Ministry of Manpower, Yuli Adiratna, the sudden inspection was carried out after a report emerged regarding the alleged placement of non-procedural PMI and was the development of monitoring indications that PMI placement was not by the procedures that are still happening today.

Inspections carried out at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport were carried out by the Labor Inspection Team after coordination with the Airport Police and BP3MI.

It is known that 38 PMI candidates are scheduled to depart for Colombo, Sri Lanka. The PMIs then underwent an examination at the Soetta Police Station before being admitted to the RPTC Bambu Apus.

"We thank the media, NGOs, and the public who continue to provide information to prevent the placement of non-procedural PMIs", said Yuli.

Previously, President Joko Widodo ordered related ministries and institutions to fight groups that place PMIs non-procedurally and ensure protection for PMIs.

During the release ceremony for PMI's departure to South Korea in Jakarta, Monday, October 17, the President highlighted that 9 million PMIs were residing abroad. Of this number, around 4.5 million PMI departed illegally or did not go through a predetermined procedure.

"Our migrant workers must be registered, they must be monitored, they must be able to see where they work because this concerns protection, it concerns the safety of all of us", said Jokowi.

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