
JAKARTA - Lawyer Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J, Kamaruddin Simanjuntak stated that he would use various methods to get Ferdy Sambo to be sentenced to death. Kamaruddin thought that the accused in the murder case had always lied and denied his involvement.

"If he continues to refuse to be honest, I will use all means to get him sentenced to death", Kamaruddin told reporters at the South Jakarta District Court, Monday, October 17.

According to Kamaruddin, the indictment that was read out during the trial was by the facts.

However, some things are not included in the indictment. One of them is Ferdy Sambo's involvement in an online gambling consortium.

"After we heard the indictment, 100 percent of what I said was not even discussed a bit more about online gambling, the drug trade system", he said.

"Therefore, the reading of the indictment is by my findings and the intelligence report to me", continued Kamaruddin.

Ferdy Sambo in this case was charged with shooting Brigadier J in the last session. The bullets that were released completely killed Brigadier J's life which was already covered in blood.

"Then to make sure that he was completely dead, Ferdy Sambo, who was already wearing black gloves, shot one time on the right side of the head on the back of the left side", said the Prosecutor.

In this case of premeditated murder, there are four other suspects. They include Bharada Richard Eliezer, Bripka Ricky Rizal, Strong Ma'ruf, and Putri Candrawati.

Those who are now accused are charged with Article 340 subsidiary 338 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1.

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