
JAKARTA - Commission X of the Indonesian House of Representatives welcomes the plan of the International Football Federation (FIFA) to establish an office in Indonesia after communicating with President Joko Widodo. FIFA stated that it wanted to be involved in the transformation of Indonesian football. "I appreciate FIFA's intention to strengthen coordination with the Indonesian government with offices in Indonesia," said Deputy Chairman of Commission X of the Indonesian House of Representatives Hetifah Sjaifudian to reporters in Jakarta, Wednesday, October 12. However, the head of the commission in charge of sports asked the government to clarify the contract for residence permits and other agreements with FIFA. Starting from how long FIFA is in Indonesia and how far the FIFA policy can penetrate Indonesian football policies. The contract agreement with FIFA, said Hetifah, aims to clarify the limits that FIFA can do to Indonesian football. "Because it needs to be underlined, even though PSSI is under FIFA, the Indonesian government still has full authority and rights to all sports in Indonesia," he said. The Golkar legislator for the East Kalimantan electoral district reminded that the FIFA policy not to build its office in Indonesia would actually conflict with the government. Because according to him, this can potentially create chaos.

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