
JAKARTA - There are 76 active COVID-19 patients in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Saturday, October 8. Less than the previous day 86 people.

"Alhamdulillah, the supervision of health protocols and booster vaccinations (boosters) has had quite an impact on reducing COVID-19 cases," said Secretary of the Babel COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Micron Antariksa in Pangkalpinang, as reported by Antara.

Berdasarkan data kasus harian pada Sabtu pagi, kasus orang terpapar virus corona bertambah empat, pasien sembuh juga bertambah 13, dan pasien meninggal bertambah satu orang.

"Last night, COVID-19 patients who died in Belitung were buried according to the established health protocols," he said.

He explained the increase in cases and patients recovered from COVID-19, so the remaining 76 COVID-19 patients who are still undergoing isolation are spread across 26 people in Bangka Regency, Pangkalpinang (11), West Bangka (11), South Bangka (11), Belitung (10), Central Bangka (7).

"Currently we are focusing more on handling the transmission of the corona virus in Bangka, because there is a large increase in cases in the district," he said.

He appealed to the public to continue to apply health protocols, a healthy clean lifestyle and for residents who have not been vaccinated, they must immediately go to facilities that provide vaccines as an effort to build immunity from the virus and prevent mutations.

"Breast and underestimate will hinder our joint efforts and are not in line with the government's policy of freeing this region from COVID-19," he said.

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