
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) has allocated an additional compensation budget for the heirs and injured victims of the Kanjuruhan Stadium tragedy, Malang, East Java because the confirmed death toll has increased from 125 people to 131 people.

"There is more, we will add. We will add more budget allocations," said Social Minister Tri Rismaharini in a written statement as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, October 7.

Risma emphasized that the additional budget allocation for compensation would adjust to the latest confirmed data on the dead and injured.

Previously, the Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini, in one day had finished distributing compensation for 125 heirs of the Kanjuruhan tragedy in Malang City and Regency.

The distribution of compensation is centered on seven sub-districts by presenting heirs or relatives who represent.

In Malang City, the Minister of Social Affairs met the heirs in Lowokwaru and Klojen sub-districts. In Malang Regency, the Minister of Social Affairs met with heirs in Singosari, Gondang Legi, Sumberpucung, Kepanjen and Tajinan sub-districts.

Each heir received compensation of IDR 15 million/victim and food packages.

The Minister of Social Affairs also mobilized psychologists from the Integrated Centers/Centers belonging to the Ministry of Social Affairs to provide psychosocial support services (LDP).

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