
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) has begun to build facilities and infrastructure to support Permanent houses for earthquake, tsunami, and liquefaction victims in the Talise area, Palu City, Central Sulawesi.

"Infrastructure development is part of the continuation of the post-earthquake rehabilitation and reconstruction in Palu, Sigi, Donggala, and parts of Parigi Moutong", said Head of Region III Directorate of Residential Area Development, Ministry of PUPR Herman Tobo in Talise, Palu, Central Sulawesi, Monday, September 26.

He explained that the construction of new residential areas for disaster victims begins with the construction of road infrastructure, drainage, and green open spaces (RTH) before entering residential construction activities.

The permanent house was built in as many as 599 units on an area of ​​46.83 hectares with the concept of infrastructure development oriented to disaster resilience by prioritizing environmental aspects, adaptive to climate change, inclusive, and sustainable.

"The temporary housing building measuring 36 square meters or type 36 uses a simple healthy instant house structure (Risha) supported by funding from the World Bank through the Central Sulawesi Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Project (SCRRP)", said Herman.

He explained that the continuation of the post-disaster management was following up on Presidential Instruction No. 8 of 2022 concerning the Completion of Post-Earthquake, Tsunami, and Liquefaction Rehabilitation and Reconstruction in Central Sulawesi Province.

The Directorate General (Directorate General) of Human Settlements and the Directorate General of Housing of the Ministry of PUPR collaborated to build relocation shelters and settlement infrastructure in three categories, namely large-scale or regional, satellite and independent.

"Permanent house relocation built at this time will later become a new residential area with complete infrastructure, one of which is a supporting health center as a place for health services", said Herman.

Since 2019, during post-disaster rehabilitation and reconstruction activities, the Ministry of PUPR has built 1,679 shelter units in affected areas in the first phase, and the second phase this year continued with the construction of 4,089 shelters for the people of Palu City, Sigi Regency and Donggala which construction activities are projected to last for eight months.

Central Sulawesi Governor Rusdy Mastura said the construction activities were carried out by the PUPR Ministry as a form of the government's commitment to protecting survivors, who are now four years after the disaster, some of them are still living in temporary shelters (huntara).

Therefore, it is hoped that in these activities there will be good collaboration between the Balai as representatives of the central government and the provincial, district/city governments where the construction activities are carried out.

"The central and regional governments continue to maintain their commitment to providing shelter to residents affected by the disaster, we will continue to work on this until the handling is complete", said Rusdy.

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