JAKARTA - The Police Code of Ethics Commission (KKEP) team will continue the internal court process against Ipda Arsyad Daiva Gunawan today, Monday, September 26.
Ipda Arsyad is one of the alleged offenders in the series of cases involving the murder of Brigadier J.
"For the time being, it is still scheduled for today," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Public Relations Division, Kombes Nurul Azizah, when confirmed, Monday, September 26.
The plan is that the trial of the former Head of Subunit I Unit I of the South Jakarta Metro Police Satreskrim will take place at around 10.00 WIB.
This court process was originally a continuation of the previous one, or on September 15, last. So, it is known that the Ipda Arsyad's KKEP trial was delayed for a week.
The reason was that one of the four witnesses who had to be questioned could not attend due to illness, namely AKBP Arif Rachman.
Meanwhile, the other three witnesses were AKP RS, Kompol IR, and Brigadier RRM.
Ipda Arsyad was on trial for being unprofessional in carrying out his duties in handling the Duren Tiga crime scene, the location of the shooting of Brigadier J.
The son of a member of the DPR, Heri Gunawan, is a subordinate of AKP Rifaizal Samual, a former Kanit I Satreskrim Polres Metro South Jakarta.
Thus, Ipda Arsyad Daiva Gunawan is suspected of violating Article 13 paragraph 1 of PP number 1 of 2003 concerning the dismissal of members of the National Police in conjunction with Article 5 paragraph 1 letter C Article 10 paragraph 1 letter d.
Then, Article 10 paragraph 2 letter h of Perpol Number 7 of 2022 concerning the Code of Professional Ethics and the Police Code of Ethics Commission.
"He is not professional at the crime scene, he visited the crime scene for the first time, he, the Kanit (AKP Rifaizal Samual) is the same as the South Jakarta Metro Police Head of Investigation," said the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General of Police Dedi Prasetyo, last Friday, September 16.
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Dozens of Polri members who have undergone the KKEP trial include Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, Commissioner Chuck Putranto, Commissioner Baiquni Wibowo, and Kombes Agus Nur Patria.
Then, AKP Dyah Chandrawati, AKBP Pujiyarto, AKBP Jerry Raymond Siagian, Bharada Sadam, and Brigadier Frilliyan.
Then, First Brigadier Firman Dwi Ariyanto, First Brigadier Sigid Mukti Hanggono, AKP Idham Fadilah, and Iptu Hardista Pramana Tampubolon.
They have been found guilty. The sanctions given ranging from demotional mutations to dishonorable dismissals.
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