
LAMPUNG - The General Election Commission (KPU) of Lampung Province is targeting the voter participation rate in the 2024 General Election (Pemilu) to increase compared to the previous election.

Head of the Division of Socialization, Voter Education, and Community Participation of the KPU Lampung Province, Antoniyus, said that Lampung voter participation in the previous election rose by approximately six percent. Therefore, in the 2024 election, voter participation must also increase.

"In the previous election, we increased voter participation. Our target in the 2024 election could reach 79.5 percent. This is also in line with the target of the Indonesian KPU," he said, when he became a resource person for the socialization of the election stages, in Metro, Lampung, as quoted from Antara, Thursday 23 September.

Therefore, KPU Lampung will conduct socialization both digitally through social media as well as conventionally and face-to-face.

He explained that digital socialization was carried out to invite millennials to use their voices in the 2024 election. Because, nowadays many millennials are using social media.

"We will use various platforms later. Later we will create interesting content to invite millennials to channel their voting rights. We will also collaborate with influencers," he said.

Meanwhile, to reach areas in Lampung Province with inadequate internet access, the KPU will continue to conduct face-to-face socialization.

"We will reach families, religious leaders, marginalized groups, and we will also reach the outermost and disaster-prone areas," he said.

He added that the KPU has also provided digital applications that can be downloaded by the public, as an effort to facilitate services to the community.

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