
WEST KOTAWINGIN - West Kotawaringin Police Chief, Central Kalimantan, AKBP Bayu Wicaksono said his party had investigated an individual member of the Water Police (Polair) with the initials Aipda D who was suspected of committing illegal levies in the local district.

"We have secured individuals for investigation by the Profession and Security staff. If there are violations, we will certainly take action," said Bayu Wicaksono through the Deputy Chief of the West Kotawaringin Resort Police, Kompol Wihelmus Helky in Pangkalan Bun, Antara, Sunday, September 11.

He apologized to the shipping side and the public for the incident and the noise caused by the incident.

Previously, a video of an individual member of the West Kotawaringin Police suspected of committing extortion by asking for fuel on a boat went viral on social media in the local area.

The location of the incident in the two-minute video took place in the Kumai District, West Kotawaringin Regency.

"The West Kotawaringin Water Police has also held a meeting with the ship's side to provide clarification and discuss the issue as a communication misunderstanding," said AKBP Bayu.

West Kotawaringin Police warns the division to not violate the rules in carrying out the duty, especially when the behavior defames the institution.

"Pimpinan kami sangat tegas dan selalu menekankan kepada anggota untuk tidak melakukan pelanggaran. Dan apabila ditemukan anggota merusak citra institusi, akan langsung kami tindak lanjut secara tegas," kata Bayu.

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