
JAKARTA - Russia claims to have succeeded in killing Ukrainian air power, saying the West "failed" to meet the needs of more aircraft and pilots for Kyiv.

Ukrainian Air Force staff have been practically eliminated by the Russian Air Force and air defense systems, a military-diplomatic source said Monday.

"All eligible operational personnel from the former Ukrainian air force, from Mig-29, Sukhoi Su-27, and Sukhoi Su-25 aircraft, have been practically eliminated by the effective actions of the Russian Aerospace Forces and the air defense system", the source told TASS as quoted on August 29.

According to him, Western promises to deliver more Soviet-made warplanes will most likely still not be fulfilled.

Furthermore, the source detailed that Ukraine was forced to engage an untrained air cadet for a surprise attack, which caused "huge losses among remnants of Ukraine's flights."

The source also highlighted that efforts to recruit more pilots in Poland and other Eastern European countries were not very successful.

"The few who agree are already in the cemetery or the hospital", he said.

As previously reported, the United States Department of Defense (Pentagon) is rumored to be training former Afghan pilots, to then deploy them to the battlefield to help Ukraine face Russia.

"As we all know, the Pentagon started recruiting former Afghan pilots who fled to the US along with America a year ago", a military-diplomatic source said.

"Their training is now starting in California, with plans to send them all to Ukraine via Poland afterward", the source continued.

According to the source, apart from being a former pilot, it will also involve other Afghans on duty in special units.

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