
JAKARTA - The Gerindra Party has declared its general chairman Prabowo Subianto as a presidential candidate in the 2024 presidential election. The decision was based on the results of the Gerindra Party's 2022 Rapimnas last week.

On the one hand, Gerindra DKI, which is the successor of Anies Baswedan in the 2017 DKI Pilkada, was expected to give a positive response when the former Minister of Education and Culture gave a signal that he would run as a presidential candidate in 2024.

Will Gerindra DKI match Anies as Prabowo's vice presidential candidate?

The chairman of the Gerindra Regional Leadership Council (DPD) Ahmad Riza Patria admitted that he fully submitted the decision on his candidacy to the Gerindra Central Executive Board (DPP). He made sure that Gerindra DKI complied with any DPP decision.

"All matters of the DPP, who will become the cawapres prabowo subianto, it is the authority of Prabowo who has been mandated through the Rapimnas and also the Party DPP. I, as the chairman of the DKI DPD, will obey and obey what has become his policy," Riza said at Balai DKI City, Friday, August 19.

Even related to Prabowo's companion in the 2024 presidential election, Riza also did not want to intervene by offering Anies' name. He followed Ketum Prabowo Subianto's decision with the party coalition built by Gerindra.

"The business of who will be his vice presidential candidate, his companion, we completely leave it to him, Pak Prabowo," he said.

Previously, Prabowo stated that he was ready to become a presidential candidate in the 2024 presidential election. This was conveyed by Prabowo after hearing the aspirations of the 34 DPD who asked him to return to be a presidential candidate in the Gerindra Rapimnas at SICC Bogor, West Java, Friday, August 12.

"Brothers and sisters, by saying Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, after I studied and listened carefully, the attitude of every DPD and every wing of the party, which expects me to accept the nomination as president of the Republic of Indonesia in 2024," said Prabowo in front of thousands of Gerindra cadres.

"I hereby declare that with a sense of responsibility I accept your request to be willing to be nominated as a presidential candidate for Indonesia," said Prabowo.

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