
SEMARANG – A number of schools in the city of Semarang received visits from dozens of female police officers (Polwan) from the Central Java Police. The visit of the beautiful female policewomen was carried out in the framework of the "Polwan Goes To School" program as part of fostering tradition in welcoming the 74th anniversary of the Indonesian policewomen, which falls on September 1 later.

Led by the Polwan Coordinator of Central Java Police, Grand Commissioner Adjutant (AKBP) Dyah Trinugrahjati, the policewomen visited SMAN 3, SMAN 5, SMAN 7, SMKN 8, and MAN 1 Semarang City on Monday morning, August 8.

Regarding this activity, AKBP Dyah Trinugrahjati explained that the visits to the secondary schools were carried out simultaneously. The "Polwan Goes To School" program theme is "Smart and Safe on Social Media". She added that there were five policewomen teams, each led by a senior policewoman.

“The number of team members who visited each school varied, 5-8 people per team. Each team is led by a senior policewoman with the rank of AKBP and Kompol," she said.

Policewoman of Central Java Police/Photo: Doc. Central Java Police

In each school visited, continued AKBP Diah, each team leader as a resource person gave exposure and socialization to students regarding the use of social media. During the event, an interactive question and answer session was also held.

The head of the women's police team who visited SMAN 3, AKBP Sulistyoningsih, admitted that she was quite happy with the activities of the policewoman goes to school. According to her, the response given by the school and students was extraordinary. She hopes that the Polwan Goes To School activity can educate students to be wiser in using social media.

"We hope that students can be educated on how to choose and sort out their social media, so they don't become victims of cybercrimes," she said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Central Java Regional Police, Grand Commissioner (Kombes Pol) Iqbal Alqudusy explained that one of the biggest challenges for teenagers today is the world of social media. Today's teenagers have open access to find information and communicate through social media.

He also revealed that there are many positive things that can be obtained through social media, but on the other hand, there are many negative things including the threat of crime that utilizes the virtual world network.

With the presence of the policewomen to invite students to be wise on social media, Kombes Iqbal hopes that students will be more vigilant and stay away from negative content circulating on social media.

"For that, I really appreciate this activity. The rise of crimes such as cases of fraud and immorality targeting the younger generation indicates the importance of education for students in using social media. Thus, they can be more careful in seeking and sharing information, including making friends through the network,” said Head of Public Relation.

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