WAMENA - The National Police's Professional Code of Ethics Commission hearing sentenced the former Wamena Brimob Police Chief (Danki) D with the initials AKP R.
The trial of the code of ethics commission led by the Head of Profession and Security of Papua Police, Grand Commissioner Gustav R. Urbinas stated that AKP R was proven to have violated the Police Professional Code of Ethics.
"After reading the PTDH decision, AKP R has the right to appeal," said Grand Commissioner Gustav R after the trial which took place at the Media Center of the Papua Police Headquarters, Jayapura, Tuesday, August 2.
AKP R was proven to have violated Article 5 paragraph (1) letters C and l as well as Article 10 paragraph (1) letter a of Perpol Number 7 of 2022.
Also present at the trial were the family of the late Brigadier Diego.
In this case, AKP R invited his subordinate Second Brigadier (Bripda) Diego Rumaropen to shoot a cow. However, both of them were attacked by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) which resulted in the death of Brigadier Diego in Napua District, Jayawijaya, Papua, Saturday, June 18.
Two firearms brought by AKP R and Bripda Diego types AK101 and SSG08 were also confiscated by KKB led by Egianus Kogoya.
Police Commissioner. Gustav R. emphasized that the decision of dismissal was the commitment of the Papuan Police Chief in enforcing the rules. Including the embodiment of fair transparency so as to present the family of the deceased during the trial.
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