
BANDUNG - The City Government (Pemkot) of Bandung, West Java is targeting the third or booster dose of vaccination to reach up to 50 percent of the total vaccination target by August 2022.

The Daily Chair of the Bandung City COVID-19 Task Force Asep Gufron said, to facilitate the target, the Bandung City Government detailed daily targets for each kelurahan as many as 53 targets. "This must be improved again. Hopefully on Independence Day we will be able to achieve the target," he said in Bandung as quoted by Antara, Thursday, July 28.

The total target of vaccination in the city of Bandung reached 1.9 million people. As of this Wednesday, the booster dose vaccination has only reached 739.316 people or 37.87 percent, while 50 percent of the total target of 976.179 people.

Meanwhile, active cases of COVID-19 in the city of Bandung jumped to 1.050 people based on data on Wednesday. Whereas in early July 2022, active cases of COVID-19 were only around 300 people. When compared to other cities or regencies in West Java, according to him, Bandung City has been included in the top three areas of the highest active cases.

"While the percentage of booster vaccine achievements, Bandung City is in fifth position. In fact, previously we were in the top three positions. This is a warning for all of us," he said.

He said the increase in confirmed cases began in early June 2022. Apart from community mobility, according to him, the factor for the increase in COVID-19 cases was also due to the transmission of new variants.

Therefore, the task force asked all regional apparatus organizations (OPD) and regional parties to help speed up the booster vaccination process.

"For the top 10 sub-districts with the highest active cases, I entrust them to continue to disseminate information to the community. Immediately map out with the village heads to condition what efforts will be made," said Asep Gufron.

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