
MALUKU - High waves up to four meters have the potential to appear in Maluku waters over the next two days.

The potential for natural disasters is based on the latest report from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) of the Ambon Maritime Meteorology Station.

Head of the Ambon Maritime Meteorology Station Ashar said the potential for high waves on July 26-27 could pose a risk to shipping safety

"Waves of 2.5 meters to four meters high are likely to occur in the waters of Buru Island, the Banda Sea, the waters of the Tanimbar Islands, the Kai Islands, and the Arafuru Sea," Ashar said in Ambon, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, July 26.

Waves as high as 1.25-2.50 meters (medium) are also likely to occur in the Seram Sea, Ambon Island waters, Lease Islands, southern waters of Seram Island, Sermata - Leti, Babar Islands, and the waters of the Aru Islands.

The wind pattern in the northern part of Indonesia is dominantly moving from Southeast-Southwest with wind speeds ranging from 5-25 knots. Meanwhile, in the southern part of Indonesia, the dominant movement is from East-Southeast with wind speeds of around 5-25 knots.

The highest wind speeds were observed in the southern waters of Java, North Natuna Sea, Java Sea, southern Makassar Strait, Banda Sea and Arafuru Sea.

"This condition resulted in an increase in wave height around the area," he said.

BMKG appealed to the public to pay attention to shipping safety risks. High risk for fishing boats, if the wind speed is more than 15 knots and the wave height is above 1.25 meters, while the barge is 16 knots with a wave height of 1.5 meters.

While the high risk for ferries with wind speeds of more than 21 knots and wave heights above 2.5 meters, and large vessels, such as cargo ships or cruise ships, the risk is high if facing wind speeds above 27 knots and wave heights above 4 meters.

"People who live and work in coastal areas that are prone to high waves must remain vigilant," he said.

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