
LUBUKLINGGAU – The figure of Susi Pudjiastuti amazed the people of South Sumatra. The brave woman who served as Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries in President Jokowi's United Indonesia Cabinet has become evidence. Because of that, they judged that his figure was worthy of being a presidential candidate in 2024. They declared Kopisusi Sriwijaya volunteers.

This was said by Firly Alfani, Head of the Sriwijaya Kopisusi Declaration which took place at the Pindang Meranjat Asma Restaurant, Lubuklinggau City, South Sumatra, Sunday, July 24.

At the event, Susi Pudjiastuti was present live via the zoom application. On this occasion, Susi continued to encourage the audience to continue to carry out the moral movement which was voiced by a number of groups including her supporters in a tangible form. Namely, no more polarization, say no to corruption, drown the oligarchy and Indonesia for Indonesia. "We see Ms. Susi Pudjiastuti is a person who is clean and with integrity," said Firly.

When Susi Pudjiastuti was Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, she made a lot of significant impact so that she became one of the favorite ministers.

Starting from chats on social media, he continued, admiring the figure of Susi Pudjiastuti who was considered firm and pro-people, then a community of supporters of Mrs. Susi was formed, named Kopisusi.

"Currently, Kopisusi has been formed in almost all parts of Indonesia and several regions have implemented the declaration. It was first held in Pangandaran, then continued in Bekasi. In early July it was held in Jakarta, and received a warm welcome from the community. This time it was held in Lubuklinggau, " he explained. He added that he deliberately chose the one whose menu served a lot of fish. Where this has long been echoed by Susi Pudjiastuti.

"Lubuklinggau City is the place for the implementation of the Sriwijaya Kopisusi Declaration, because Lubuklinggau City is geographically located in the middle between the provinces of South Sumatra, Jambi and Bengkulu," he explained about his support for the figure of Susi Pudjiastuti.

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