
JAKARTA - The Maritime Museum is preparing to welcome New Year's Eve with its own entertainment. There will be a marathon film screening as an option to gather on New Year's Eve.

"We pack it at the 'Movie Screening Marathon' event. Watching movies from museums is open until they close. We only pay for museum tickets," said Head of the Jakarta Maritime Museum Management Unit (UP), Mis'ari in Jakarta, quoting ANTARA, Sunday, December 22.

Mis'ari said the Bahari Museum has cinema facilities intended for the community.

The films that will be screened in part are the work of high school and vocational students throughout Indonesia, who participated in the 2024 "Short Film Festival".

This year, the museum manager held a film festival with the theme "Bahari".

"The (film screening) event was held on December 31-1 January 2025. No need to register, just come. Cinemas are facilities for the community. We have cinema room facilities," he said.

In addition to holding a film screening event, the Manager of the Maritime Museum also plans to decorate the Intan City Bridge, with lights.

"What we are also managing is the Intan City Bridge. Later, with the support of the Kotatoa Management Unit, the DKI Jakarta Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Disparekraf), it will be 'light-up' (made on with lights). There is an installation with lights there," said Mis'ari.

Meanwhile, the manager of the Maritime Museum is currently still holding an exhibition entitled "Building in Wet Land: From the West Warehouse to the 1652-1977 Maritime Museum".

In the exhibition which was opened to the public from 7 December 2024 to 22 June 2025, curator Rifandi S. Nugroho invited visitors to dive into historical relationships between water and land in the form of art installations and images.

He also invited visitors to dive into the legacy of colonial infrastructure.

Most were processed from books published by the Maritime Museum from joint research results by the Architectural Documentation Center (PDA) entitled "Westzijdsche Pakhuizen Batavia 1652-1977", From the West Warehouse to the Maritime Museum".

He then collaborated with records of local residents' memories of the area in the past and now.

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