
JAKARTA - Chairman of the Central Family Welfare and Empowerment Mobilization Team (TP PKK) Tri Tito Karnavian asked each party to commemorate National Children's Day 2022 as momentum to improve the nutrition of the nation's children to avoid stunting.

"A great nation is a nation that has a large investment in human resources," said Tri in the Webinar Bersama Kerabat Seri IV which was followed online in Jakarta, Thursday, July 21.

Tri said the first 1,000 days of a child's life (HPK) is a phase where children need to get the good and right care, starting from giving stimulus or stimulation so that children can grow and develop according to their age.

During the 1000 HPK period, children's growth occurred very rapidly. During that time, it takes a good nutritional intake such as carbohydrates, animal protein, fat, and vitamins that are sufficient for optimal child growth and development.

“Growth is gradual. Little by little, children with good and proper nutrition will grow faster and faster, compared to children who don't get good nutrition," Tri said.

Not to forget Tri also emphasized that the provision of nutritional intake to children must be balanced with the provision of parenting patterns that can form good and quality children's character.

According to her, stunting can occur not only because of nutritional problems, but is much more complex and the solution must be holistic, so that children can grow up healthily.

"Good development requires warmth, affection, caress, and the opportunity to try new things in order to develop optimally," she said.

As mandated by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo in the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2022-2024, each party must work together to create superior human resources for the Indonesian nation.

Tri added that a third of Indonesia's total population are children. This very large number is not only a requirement to create competitive, qualified, protected human resources. But also the fulfillment of children's rights which are the government's obligation to fulfill them in accordance with the mandate of the 1945 Constitution.

Especially the fulfillment of the four basic rights of children such as the right to life, the right to grow and develop, the right to protection, and the right to participate. Fulfillment of children's rights must be carried out fairly in accordance with human dignity.

Tri hopes that the celebration of National Children's Day 2022 can strengthen the commitment of the government from the central to regional levels, as well as partners and the private sector in realizing superior, quality human resources by building Indonesia from the family side.

She also hopes that there will be no more children who do not receive protection from violence as well as discrimination from one party.

"Happy National Children's Day 2022 to all Indonesian children. May you be a healthy, smart and happy child. Commemoration of National Children's Day is an important momentum to arouse concern and participation of all components of the Indonesian nation," she said.

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