
BOGOR - Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin hopes that the number of recipients of the third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine will increase to prevent the risk of seriousness in the midst of increasing cases.

"People who are not boosted have a 20 times higher risk than people who are boosted", said Minister of Health Budi on the sidelines of a visit to several schools in the Bogor Regency area, West Java, as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, July 21.

Currently, he continued, people who have received the third dose of vaccination have only reached about 50,000 people or about 25 percent of the targeted 208.26 million people.

"We want more because cases are on the rise", he said.

The Minister of Health said the availability of the COVID-19 vaccine in the country is still quite a lot. Therefore, the public is asked to immediately vaccinate.

"There's a lot of stock from various brands of vaccines", he said.

Previously, Lead Co-Chair of Global Health Security and COVID-19 Task Force T20 Indonesia Prof Hasbullah Thabrany reiterated that the third dose of COVID-19 vaccination (booster) is very important for people at risk, including children, during the pandemic. still ongoing.

He said vaccines for flu diseases such as COVID-19 usually do not last a lifetime, as in the case of polio. Therefore, it is necessary to inject a booster vaccine at periods when the antibodies produced from the vaccine in the body are reduced.

The booster vaccine, continued by Prof. Hasbullah, is a preventive process so that we avoid disease. "So, go booster!", he said.

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