GARUT - The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) of Garut Regency conducted a urine test on all employees of the Class IIB Correctional Institution Garut, West Java.
Head of Class IIB Garut Prison Iwan Gunawan said the effort was made to detect drug abuse in the institution's work environment.
"This is simultaneous urine testing for all employees and the Garut Prison is carried out today; and this applies to all employees, no exception. My leave is postponed, I have to come, and including me have to do a urine test", said Iwan at Garut Prison, West Java, quoted from Antara, Thursday, July 14.
He explained that the urine examination of Garut Prison employees was a follow-up to the instructions from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights after the meeting of several employees involved in drug abuse.
Iwan added that Garut Prison in collaboration with BNN checks the urine of all prison employees to detect whether or not there is abuse and spread of drugs in the Garut Prison work environment.
"We have 85 employees, all staff, guards, and we want to show that Garut Prison is free from drugs by showing the results of a urine test", he added.
If the results of a urine test for a Garut prison employee are found to be positive, he continued, the employee will receive strict sanctions according to applicable regulations because drug abuse in the prison environment cannot be tolerated.
"Hopefully my hopes are nil. Even if there are, the consequences must be daring to take risks because there is no bargaining in drug matters", he said.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Garut BNN, AKBP Deni Yus Danial, said his party was trying to prevent and protect the public from the dangers of drugs by the mandate of the law to create a great nation generation.
"This means that our country is at war with drugs because the future of the nation is at stake because it will get bad human resources if we let it go now", said Deni.
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